ID-GRAM slide is a multi-purpose microscope slide recommended to be part of a quality control program to monitor stains and techniques.


The slide contains one block (+) with a gram posiuve control (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923). The slide also contains one block (-) with a         gram negative control (Escherlchia cell ATCC 25922). The slide contains 6 blank blocks for the convenience of the technologist to be utilized in performing clinical Gram stains.


PRECAUTIONS: This product is for IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE only. This product may contain potentially viable organisms. Handle it as you would a known pathogen.

STORAGE: Do not freeze or expose to excessive heat. Store at rcom temperature and do not use beyond expiration date.


MATERIALS REQUIRED BUT NOT PROVIDED: The standard clinical microbiological equipment such as loop, burner, stains are        needed for procedures involving the use of this product.

             1. Prepare smear with a lcopful of specimen to be examined within confines of the blank blocks. In preparing a smear, avoid

    harsh treatment of specimen in order to avoid destruction of arrangement of cells.

2. Air dry and heat fix by gentle heating over a bunsen bumer flame. Do not overheat to avoid possible distortions.

             3. Perform GRAM stain:

a. FIood entire stain with Gram Crystal Violet for 1 minute.

b. Wash gently in running water, rinsing both sides.

c. Add Gram Iodine for 2 minutes.

d. Wash gently in running water, rinsing both sides.

e. Decolorize with Gram Decolorizer until solvent flows colorless from slide.

f. Counterstain with Gram Safranin for 1 minute.

g. Wash gently in running water rinsing both sides.

h. Allow slide to air dry.

i. Examine under microscope using oil immersion lens.


Positive control: purple-blue cocci in clusters (Gram positive)

Negative control: red rods (Gram negative)

Note: It is possible that positive control organisms can carrv over to the patient testing area. As a precaution, if a positive patient result Is recorded, repeat the testing process on a clean slide that does not contain a positive control organism.


1. Chapin, K. 1995. Clinical Microscopy. Pages 33-51 In P.R. Murray, E.J. Baron, M.A. Pfaller, F.C. Tenover, and R.H. Yolken, eds.                   Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 27:1390-1391.


Gibson Laboratories, Inc.


© Lakewood Biochemical Co., Inc. Dallas, TX 75214


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